It’s an Interview with Bellwire!

Bellwire? Who is that? What are they? What do you.. how? Is? O?
These are questions. See the question marks? That means they are questions. WDL asked Bellwire some questions recently and they supplied answeres. Learn about Bellwire, today! And check them out on September 1st with The Pilgrims and Jonee Earthquake in Wilder, VT. Also, check out a special video the Wiries did!

1) What is (a) BELLWIRE?
[bellwire’s] The next big thing.

2) What forces helped form BELLWIRE?
[the forces that formed bellwire include] Gravity, thirst and the desire for some sort of spiritual affirmation in the absence of belief in a deity.

3) Have you ever had a reoccurring dream? If so, what was it about? If not, what was your last dream about?
I (Tyler) used to have a dream involving a dead villain from the PBS show Ghost Writer and themes from Coolio’s “Gangster’s Paradise.” I only had it a few nights, but I remember it would pick up where it left off. I was afraid to fall asleep for a little while after.

4) What do you most enjoy about being a band?

5) If you could be the backing band for any person or thing, what would it be?
Oh my god that’s a great question.
Band answer: Scout from to kill a mockingbird
Jack would like “Jimmy page at 11 yrs old”

6) What’s the toughest thing about being a band and how did you strive for peace and glory?
The band’s not sure peace and glory can coexist.
Mike strives to sound good.
Jack strives to sound delicious.
Tyler is delicious, that’s the toughest thing.

7) Do you have any morbid fears?
Mike- Falling asleep behind the wheel
Jack- bed bugs, death, women, failure, being oppressed without realizing it
Tyler- Loneliness, losing control of my mind or body

8) What is your spirit animal?
We’re more likely to have a spirit fruit than a spirit animal. It might be a sliced watermelon served on a double layered paper plate. Or a manatee. Or watermelon served on a manatee.

9) What do you want to be when you grow up?
A better band.

10) Do aliens exist?
You asked the right people.
um, probably.


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